
Hello and welcome to my website!

I am a Data Scientist and Software Engineer with additional experience as a Scientific Consultant and Professional Writer.

As a Data Scientist, I worked for a civil engineering company and managed 200TB of company data. I led the migration from USB hard drives to AWS cloud for data warehousing and archive. I was in charge of data storage policy, data archiving, and all other data related activities. I was the key point of cohesion between the engineering team, IT team, data services team (SQL and proprietary software), and our external consultants.

I had a very successful career as a physicist, publishing my research in Nature Astronomy and The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Nature Astronomy is the top tier journal, and my articles is ranked in the top 0.03% percentile by views and citations out of all articles of a similar age across all research disciplines.

I am open to Data Science, Software Engineering, Data Engineering, and ML Engineering roles in industries which I believe best utilise my broad range of skills and interests in addition to serving society in the most constructive way possible.

I currently work as a Scientific Consultant to Savimbo. Savimbo's fair-trade biodiversity credits are designed to provide an immediate conservation economy to small-farmers and Indigenous groups guarding primary forest with intact populations of rare or endangered animals. I am contracted to prepare scientific manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication in addition to Data Science tasks.

Work aside, I am also very interested in languages, history and culture. I study languages so that I can travel and connect with diverse cultures to experience new perspectives on the world. I have studied Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Sanskrit.

While my Arabic is pretty rusty, I spent four months living in Italy in Turin and Sardinia, and six months living in South America. This included two months deep in the Colombian Amazon and four months near the Peruvian Andes near Machu Picchu.


My full list of publications can be found here .

Selected Publications


Evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole from a gravitationally lensed gamma-ray burst (Nature Astronomy).

As listed on the Nature Astronomy website: "This article is in the 99th percentile (ranked 247th) of the 331,049 tracked articles of a similar age in all journals and the 99th percentile (ranked 1st) of the 69 tracked articles of a similar age in Nature Astronomy."




A selection of projects that I am working on.

lens schematic

GRB Lensing

Gravitational lensing of gamma-ray bursts.

Learn more
PyGRB logo


A gamma-ray burst (GRB) light-curve analysis package.

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Background image: Artist's impression of a gamma-ray burst gravitationally lensed by a black hole (Carl Knox).