Education History

The University of Melbourne, Parkville
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Astrophysics (Applied Data Science)
2019 - 2022

Australian National University, Canberra (Online)
Sanskrit Language
2019 - 2020

The University of Melbourne, Parkville
Master of Science (M.Sc), Astrophysics (research) & Theoretical Physics (coursework)
2017 - 2018

The University of Melbourne, Parkville
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Physics
Diploma of Languages (DipLang), Arabic
2013 - 2016

John Monash Science School, Clayton
2010 - 2012

Awards & Scholarships

Laby Travel Scholarship, 2021 ($10,000).

Melbourne Centre for Data Science 2021 Doctoral Academy Fellow, 2021 ($5,000).

Dr Alan Kenneth Head Travelling Scholarship, 2020 ($5,000) for research into quasar microlensing.

Ramm Prize in Experimental Physics, 2019 ($2,340) for research into the gravitational lensing of gamma-ray bursts.

Selected as a Laby Scholar to travel to Nepal and attend the second Kathmandu Astrophysics School funded by the School of Physics, 2018.

Laby Scholar, 2017 ($2,000) amd Global Mobility U21 Scholar, 2017 ($1,000) to travel to The University of Edinburgh as part of a one semester masters exchnage.

Dr Jean E. Laby Bursary, 2018 ($1,000).

Summer Research Scholarship, 2015 ($1,200).


Physics & Mathematics

General Relativity
Theoretical Cosmology
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Field Theory
Lie Algebra (Representation Theory)
Complex Analysis
Vector Calculus

Statistical Inference

I am self taught in statistics and Bayesian inference, with particular focus on model selection and posterior probability distribution recovery through nested sampling.


I am fluent in python, mildly competent in C and Fortran. I have built documentation websites for code projects, and I am overly familiar with proper code documentation and unit testing. I resent the fact that I had to learn html and css to make this website, but at least that's in the past now. Right now, I am using C / Cuda C.

There is no guarantee I will immediately remember how to do things that I have previously done. \[p_\text{skill}(t)\sim e^{-t/\tau}, \qquad \tau\sim \text{2 years} \]